
(for non-trauma related injuries)

David works with the body’s structure to organize and improve function, promote healing, and resolve chronic pain. When injury occurs, connective tissues (fascia) constrict, thicken, and adhere in order to support and protect like an internal bandage. Over time the binding tissues lose plasticity, scar and inhibit mobility. Compensations, elsewhere in the body, form and adapt around primary injuries (e.g. an ankle sprain can contribute to knee, hip or back pain, emotional loss can form constrictions around the heart and lungs).

Fortunately, fascia responds extremely well to skillful bodywork. Tissues regain elastic as they are manually lengthened and differentiate. Benefits include effortless movement without pain, a spacious body (allowing for more breath), and increased vitality. Practical solutions to habitual movement patterns are explored and integrated as newfound freedom is discovered.

Bodywork can be a helpful adjunct for those supported by other practices. For example, chiropractic adjustments can hold longer and be more easily achieved. Practitoners of yoga can deepen their practice without injury as tissues become more resilient. Individuals supported by psychotherapy can experience emotional growth as they gain a deeper connection to their body and themselves.

Emotions can sometimes surface during a session, as a by-product of bodywork. These moments are opportunities to explore the interplay between physical symptoms and emotional health. Supporting the client at this level can be integrated as vignettes within the context of the session. David has extensive training, skills and experience with supporting this level of healing.